Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Heart Throb

I'm searching for a a picure that would adiquately describ him OKAY?? This is my newest book charcter that one of my friends has been gushing over, so I figured I'd see what you guys think of him :) His name is Soren Alterra ;) Hot I know. Okay, heres my description. I have no 'please excuse the -BLANK-' so you will simply have to deal with this as is ;)

Ashton Phoenix Holt♥

Now, I’m not sure if it’s fair to call him a boy because in all honesty he was built like a man. Tall, lean, and strong, but somewhere in his face, you could tell he was less than 20 years old. He had dark dread locks that had been wrestled back in to a pony tail, and his skin was a dark charming color that could be described as mocha. His eyes were dark, a brown so deep it could almost reasonably be described as black, but when the light caught them, you could see a certain hint of raw sienna in them. The tattoos down his arms, and the diamond studs in his ears, had an odd affect on his overall appearance… I suddenly understood. He looked dangerous. His expression however was not threatening as he worked his way towards the front desk, weaving gracefully through the crowd. Conversations began picking up again, but not at the same volume as before, their hushed voices obviously hiding assessments on the new customer.

            He half smiled at me as he walked to the counter, and lightly placed his huge hands on the counter—just one could probably cover my entire face. His height was much more extreme now that he was standing strait across from me, I couldn’t have thought people got so tall.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stalking is not a crime. Its how you show someone you love them...

Stalking is not a crime. Its how you show someone you love them. Or at least thats how I'm showing Miss Cassandra Bloom that I love her. Don't be hatin. Here is a link to one of my very good friends blogs, which I hope you will all enjoy :) Though anyone reading this already knows Miss Bloom and therefore has seen this many many times XD Do enjoy none the less,

Ashton Phoenix Holt♥

Saving Angels Blog

Monday, February 27, 2012

In the beginning...

'G aftah' noon all,

I'll give you all a little break at some point, and switch off my constant complaining with something cool. What that will be—I yet have no idea. But in all reality blogs are journals open to the public, so shouldn’t that mean I'm entitled to a little complaining? No—scratch that. Bad question to ask of you. But anyway, I think this blog will be a compilation of everything that flashes through my mind—so beware that it is quite a lot and rather disjointed. Like a rabbit I suppose...

Anyways—I'll get to my point. I go to an online charter school made for kids whose parents yanked them out of public school for one reason or another. The lack of extreme drama sports is nice, however it means contact with other kids is limited. Don’t get me wrong—I'm not complaining. I rather enjoy the flexible schedule. But it means that friends are few and far between. One of my BEST (stress the 'best' please) friends however got yanked out this afternoon to return to public. I can’t tell you exactly why as that I'm not sure, but I just for some reason felt like this afternoon I'd had enough suffering in semi-silence. I don’t want to burden my sparse few other friends with this information as that I can be very dark, cynical and depressing when I lose myself a bit much. So here I am, kicking of my blog with this cheery post not in hopes to draw people back, but in hopes that this may help whoever is out there reading.

I was scratching through some old work of mine (yes--I write) and found this. I've grown rather attached to it recently, and thought sharing it may as well happen sooner than later.

Yours truly,

Ashton Phoenix Holt♥

I was running. Golden beams of light flickered across my eyes as I wove expertly through the wide spread trees. The cool summer morning wind brushed my exposed skin, exhilarating me even further. The trees here were huge—it would take four men with their arms outstretched to wrap around even the smallest one. I held my hands out, touching each bark with my finger tips, leaving little pieces of me behind. And as suddenly as I was here and happy, and free, the cheery golden rays disappeared like someone had closed the sun up in a box for their own personal enjoyment. The night was eerie, and suddenly quite cold. My running came to a stop, as I let the familiarity of the situation sink in. Someone must be here. The words raced through my mind without drawing a line from point A to point B. They simply were there and gone, but yet… I told myself it was not the most unlikely possibility. I turned in all directions, my long black hair whipping with my head. The huge willow trees above had stopped swaying to the happy rhythm of the wind, and all was still. Suddenly my body jerked, like I had been grabbed by a nonexistent force. The scream that shredded my throat carried on…